domenica 29 marzo 2009

Theta Healing

vale a dire come ho incontrato Dio e sentito il suo profondo, indiscutibile amore incondizionato

martedì 24 marzo 2009


Lesson #2

bianco = white (pron. beeahnco)
giallo = yellow (dgahllo)
arancione = orange (ahrahnchoneh)
rosso = red (rossoh)
rosa = pink (rohsah)
verde = green (vehrdeh)
azzurro = light blue (ahdzoorroh)
blu =blue (almost the same)
viola = purple (veeohlah)
marrone = brown (mahrrohneh)
grigio =grey (greedgoh)
nero =black (nehroh)

see you soon!
A presto!

mercoledì 11 marzo 2009


Here you are the first italian lesson for non-italian speaking (of course sure).
As it's one of the easiest target to achieve, we're going to approach Italian greetings.

Ciao - Hi, hello
Buon giorno - Good morning
Buon pomeriggio - Good afternoon
Buona sera - Good evening
Buona notte - Good night

domenica 8 marzo 2009


Sebbene io non sia fra quelle che festeggerà con le amiche, sento profondamente il valore di questa ricorrenza, cercando di estendere la festa della donna ad ogni giorno dell'anno.
Fino ad oggi, tranne per qualche sporadica intolleranza verso alcune componenti del genere femminile, l'intento mi è riuscito benissimo.
A tutte, buona festa della donna!

venerdì 6 marzo 2009


I just got tagged, all the way from Savannah! Well Kim, here goes, my answers to the questions:

what are you wearing now? black jeans-cut trousers, white turtleneck sweater, white socks and fuchsia slippers

do you read a lot? as much as possible, an average of one book per week
who was the last person you hugged? both my children, not wanting to be unfair

if you were a tree, what would you be? carob - shade in a countryside bathed in sun, chocolate-tasting fruits, interesting-shaped

what's for dinner? what do you suggest?

what was the last thing you bought? yesterday, a book: Diego De Silva's "Non avevo capito niente"
what are you listening to right now? Giuseppe crying to sleep, Valeria playing and singing, television speaking alone

what is your favorite weather and why? sunnny - I can go for a walk with my children

what is on your bed side table? water, a prayer book, alarm clock, a notebook and a pen, a winnie the pooh lamp

what is your most challenging goal right now? buying a new-house with a pretty little garden
Say something to the person who tagged you I hope to come and know personally much more of your nice Savannah. Moreover, I'd like you and your family to come and visit us too. Meanwhile, let's go on talking of us. I've seen where Savannah is located right's FANTASTIC!

if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Somewhere in the United State, a nice seaside town
favorite vacation spot? Marina di Ragusa

name the things you cannot live without thinking

what movies can you watch over and over? it depends on my mood

what is your favorite tea flavor? hot mint tea from morocco, oh it's fantastic, me too

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Forks and La Push (Just finished Twilight saga, you guessed right)

who is the most interesting person you have ever met? Carmen Pirrone
Which is the last book you've read? Twilight saga

RULES:1. Respond and rework - answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.

I tagged: